Department of Insurance (CDI)
Last updated 12/23/2024

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- Phone: 800-927-4357
The California Department of Insurance (CDI) was created in 1868 as part of a national system of state-based insurance regulation. California is the largest insurance market in the United States and the sixth largest insurance market in the world. More than 1,300 dedicated employees work at CDI to oversee more than 1,300 insurance companies and license more than 390,000 agents, brokers, adjusters, and business entities. CDI annually receives more than 170,000 consumer assistance calls, investigates more than 35,000 consumer complaints and, as a result, recovers more than $63 million a year for consumers. All of CDI's functions, including overseeing insurer solvency, licensing agents and brokers, conducting market conduct reviews, resolving consumer complaints, and investigating and prosecuting insurance fraud, are to protect consumers.
California Low Cost Auto
California’s Low Cost Automobile (CLCA) Insurance program was established by the Legislature in 1999 and exists (pursuant to California Insurance Code Section 11629.7) as a program designed to provide income-eligible, good drivers with liability insurance protection at affordable rates as a way to meet California’s mandatory auto insurance law. California’s Low Cost Auto (CLCA) Insurance Program is a state-sponsored program that makes insurance affordable for California residents who meet the eligibility requirements, regardless of immigration status. The CLCA Insurance program is brought to you by the California Department of Insurance and is administered by the California Automobile Assigned Risk Plan (CAARP).
Last updated 01/13/2022
California Senior Gateway
The Senior Gateway is a one-stop website intended to provide seniors, their families, and caregivers with the information they need to connect to helpful services and resources, to find answers, and solve problems. Find information on such topics as: -Avoiding and Reporting Abuse & Neglect -Preventing Fraud, Financial Abuse & Common Scams -Health Care Information -Your Rights -Other Resources Senior Gateway is sponsored by the Elder Financial Abuse Interagency Roundtable (E-FAIR) and hosted by the California Department of Insurance. For more information about E-FAIR please visit the "About Us" page.
Last updated 01/13/2022
File a Complaint
Consumers will find help in filing a Consumer Complaint, or an Independent Medical Review Application. Providers will find help in filing a Health Care Provider Complaint, as well as accessing Independent Dispute Resolution Process (IDRP) request forms.
Last updated 01/16/2025
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the eligibility requirements?
To be eligible for the California’s Low Cost Auto Insurance Program, or CLCA, consumers must:
- Have a valid California driver’s license
- Own a vehicle valued at $25,000 or less
- Meet income eligibility guidelines
- Be at least 16 years of age
- Have a Good Driving Record
I’m a provider and I’m having a problem with insurers reimbursing, denying or contesting the claim I submitted in a timely manner. Can they do that?
No. Health insurers have a legal obligation to promptly pay claims. Insurance Code §§ 10123.13 and 10123.147 require insurers to pay claims as soon as possible but no later than 30 working days after receipt of a complete claim, unless the insurer notifies the provider in writing that the claim has been denied or is being contested. Insurers must pay interest on a completed claim if the claim has not been reimbursed, contested or denied within the 30 working-day deadline.11 Failure to comply with the claims handling deadlines in state law may also be considered an unfair claims settlement practice under Insurance Code § 790.03(h). Providers should contact the Department’s Provider Complaint Center if a health insurer is not paying claims in compliance with these deadlines.