California Horse Racing Board (CHRB)
Last updated 11/22/2024

- Email:
- Phone: 916-263-6000
The mission of the California Horse Racing Board is to ensure the integrity, viability, and safety of the California horse racing industry by regulating pari-mutuel wagering for the protection of the public, promoting horse racing, breeding, and wagering opportunities, and fostering safe racing through the development and enforcement of track safety standards and regulations for the health and welfare of all participants.
Apply for a horse racing license
Download and fill out applications for horse racing licenses: Owners, Trainers, Jockeys, Grooms, Agents, Officials.
Launch service: Apply for a horse racing license
Last updated 01/13/2022
Frequently Asked Questions
What form(s) are required for a "new" owner's license?
- CHRB 4 - Application For License
What form(s) are required to "renew" an Owner's license?
- CHRB 4 - Application For License
What form(s) are required for a "new" trainer's license?
- CHRB 4 - Application For License
What form(s) are required to "renew" a trainer's license?
- CHRB 4 - Application For License