Department of Child Support Services (DCSS)
Last updated 11/21/2024

- Phone: 866-901-3212
In California, child support services are provided to the general public through a network of 47 local child support agencies, operated at the county level. If you have a child or children and are no longer in a relationship with the other parent, talk to us about child support. We help ALL parents navigate the child support process from beginning to end, whether the parents were married or not, live in different states or are even in a different country.
Access Self Service Website
Customer Connect is a self-service platform to provide you 24-7 access to information you need about your child support situation. It is a secure website that allows you to contact your child support professional, receive reminders/updates, see payment history, and update contact information at any time, from anywhere.
Last updated 11/21/2024
Calculate Child Support
The California Child Support Guideline Calculator is based on the same child support legal guidelines used in California courts, and can be used to estimate the amount of child support that may be ordered in your case.
Last updated 11/21/2024
Child Support Payments
Today, child support payments are collected and processed by a single entity, the State Disbursement Unit. Required by federal law, the State Disbursement Unit processes 100% of child support payments in California.
Last updated 11/21/2024
Enroll in Child Support
Either parent, or a legal guardian, can enroll in services whether or not a child support court order exists. If you already have a court order, Child Support Services offers neutral assistance with every part of the process, keeps records, and helps both parties stay on track. If you do not have an order, enrolling in services means your local child support agency will help you locate the other parent, establish legal paternity/parentage if required, get a court order and see that it is enforced in every state and many foreign countries. Our simplified enrollment form makes it quick and easy to enroll in services.
Last updated 11/21/2024