Release of Liability

Department of Motor Vehicles

Last updated 02/27/2025

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Sold your vehicle? Completing a Notice of Transfer and Release of Liability (NRL) lets DMV know that you are no longer responsible for parking/traffic violations or civil or criminal actions associated with the vehicle after the date of sale.

Phone: 800-777-0133

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find more FAQs regarding Release of Liability?
Visit the Full FAQ
Am I required to notify DMV when I sell or transfer my vehicle to another owner?
Yes. You are required by law to notify DMV within five calendar days from the date you sell or transfer title or interest in and deliver possession of a vehicle to another owner (Vehicle Code Section 5900).
How will I prove that I filed a NRL via the Internet?
When the transaction has been transmitted to DMV you will receive a confirmation. Print a copy of the confirmation and keep it in your records.
How does the notice of transfer and release of liability protect me?
When properly completed, and the information is recorded by DMV, liability for parking and/or traffic violations and civil litigation, resulting from operation after the date of sale, becomes the responsibility of the subsequent purchaser (Vehicle Code Section 5602). Additionally, when the NRL information is received by DMV, and the vehicle record is marked, no further vehicle registration renewal notices will be mailed to you for the reported vehicle.

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DMV/Auto, Personal records, Safety and emergencies,


Car, DMV, Notice of Transfer, Release of Liability, Transportation, Vehicle,