San Diego River Conservancy (SDRC)
Last updated 11/04/2024

- Phone: 619-390-0534
The San Diego River Conservancy is an independent, non-regulatory state agency established to preserve, restore and enhance the San Diego River Area. The Conservancy’s Governing Board consists of both state and local representatives, creating a diverse partnership dedicated to conserving this highly valued resource of statewide significance.
Apply to the Directed Grant Program
The Conservancy’s Directed Grant Program seeks to support multi-benefit projects that advance a number of goals, including but not limited to: Conserving land, protecting all resources, completing the San Diego River Trail, and providing public access for the enjoyment of the San Diego River Park and open space, trails, campgrounds and park facilities.
Last updated 11/05/2024
Frequently Asked Questions
When are Concept Proposals due?
Concept proposals are accepted on a rolling basis.
Where can I submit a Concept Proposal for the Directed Grant Program?
Concept Proposals can be emailed to and or by mailing a hardcopy to 11769 Waterhill Rd., Bldg. #2, Lakeside, CA 92040, Attn: San Diego River Conservancy Directed Grant Program.
What type of projects are eligible for the Directed Grant Program?
The Conservancy’s Directed Grant Program seeks to support multi-benefit projects that advance a number of goals, including but not limited to:
• Conserving land
• Protecting resources
• Reducing flood and fire risk
• Improving water quality
• Protecting and enhancing wildlife habitats
• Completing the San Diego River Trail
• Providing public access for the enjoyment of the San Diego River Park and open space, trails, campgrounds and park facilities
• Removing invasive plant species from the watershed
• Increasing native habitat and promoting the re-establishment of native species
• Promoting cultural and tribal preservation, and historical interpretation of the San Diego River and its people
• Protecting the natural and scenic beauty of the San Diego River watershed
Who is considered an eligible entity for the Directed Grant Program?
Eligible entities are public agencies, including any city, county, city and county, special district, joint powers authority, state agency, public college, public university; (2) a non-profit organization that qualifies under Section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code; or (3) a Native American Tribe that is either federally recognized or is a California Native American Tribe on the Native American Heritage Commission contact list and located within traditional Kumeyaay territory and culturally affiliated with the County of San Diego.