When using this service, To look up a license, please enter either the person, business name, license number, city or county. If you're not sure of a person's name or a business name, partial names can be used to locate licensees. For example, if you think the last name of a person is Smith, enter Smith in the name box and then click on Find. All the Smiths will be displayed. You can also enter other criteria to help narrow down a search for a person or business. For example, if you want all the Smiths in Los Angeles, enter Smith in the Name box and Los Angeles in the City box. Then, click on Find. All the Smiths located in Los Angeles will be displayed. If you know the license number, enter only the numeric portion of the license number and click on Find to display a specific license.
Phone: 855-735-0462
Frequently Asked Questions
What information will I need to enter to look up a license?
What if I'm not sure of a person's name or business name?
Where can I find more information about Auto Repair Business Licenses?
What are some tips regarding finding an automotive repair vendor?
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