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2nd Chance

by California State Lottery

Get another chance to win cash and prizes with bonus and promotional draws. All you need to get started is a Lottery account.

Launch service: 2nd Chance

Last updated 12/31/2024

Topics: State info and laws

Access Care

by Department of Health Care Services

Hundreds of hospitals and thousands of doctors, pharmacists, dentists, and other health care providers participate in the Medi-Cal program to provide medically necessary services to members.

Launch service: Access Care

Last updated 11/21/2024

Topics: Health and wellness

Access Self Service Website

by Department of Child Support Services

Customer Connect is a self-service platform to provide you 24-7 access to information you need about your child support situation. It is a secure website that allows you to contact your child support professional, receive reminders/updates, see payment history, and update contact information at any time, from anywhere.

Topics: Assistance and social programs

Administrative Hearings

by Department of General Services

Hears administrative disputes through the General Jurisdiction Division, Special Education Division, and Public Works Contract Arbitration Program.

Adult Day Health Centers

by Department of Aging

The California Department of Aging contracts with centers providing day programs for older adults and adults with disabilities as an alternative to institutional care. Centers provide an array of activities and services.

Topics: Assistance and social programs, Health and wellness

Apply for a Cal Grant

by California Student Aid Commission

Apply for a Cal Grant, a financial aid program administrated by the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC) providing aid to California undergraduates, vocational training students, and those in teacher certification programs.

Topics: Assistance and social programs, Education

Apply for a horse racing license

by California Horse Racing Board

Download and fill out applications for horse racing licenses: Owners, Trainers, Jockeys, Grooms, Agents, Officials.

Topics: Businesses, Personal records, Travel and recreation

Apply for a REAL ID/DL

by Department of Motor Vehicles

Apply for a REAL ID or DL using the DMV online portal. A California REAL ID or DL can be used for travel, proof of residency, personal identification, and other legal purposes. It serves as a government-issued photo identification that proves your identity, age, and legal presence in the United States, allowing you to access various services like opening bank accounts, voting, applying for jobs, purchasing alcohol, and most importantly, driving a vehicle in California if you choose to get a DL.

Topics: DMV/Auto, Personal records

Apply for a Seismic Safety Grant

by Department of Health Care Access and Information

The Small and Rural Hospital Relief Program (SRHRP) provides grants to qualified small, rural and Critical Access hospitals for the purpose of funding seismic safety compliance projects. The Alfred E. Alquist Hospital Facilities Seismic Safety Act requires that hospitals be constructed to remain open and safely provide services to the public after an earthquake. The SRHRP supports qualified small, rural and Critical Access hospitals by providing state grant funding and technical assistance to help meet safety standards and preserve access to general acute care for the communities they serve.

Topics: Safety and emergencies, State info and laws

Apply for a Seller's Permit

by California Department of Tax and Fee Administration

A seller's permit is required if you are engaged in business in California, intend to sell or lease tangible personal property that would ordinarily be subject to sales tax if sold at retail (this includes wholesalers, manufacturers, and retailers), or will make sales for a temporary period, normally lasting no longer than 90 days at one or more locations (for example, firework booths, Christmas tree lots, garage sales).

Topics: Taxes

Apply for Birth Certificate

by California Department of Public Health

Apply for Birth Certificate. An authorized, certified California birth certificate can typically be used for travel, passport, proof of citizenship, social security, driver's license, school registration, personal identification and other legal purposes.

Topics: Health and wellness, Personal records

Apply for Compensation for Crime-Related Expenses

by California Victim Compensation Board

Were you a victim of crime? The California Victim Compensation Board (CalVCB) can help. We can help pay bills and expenses that result from crime. Crime survivors who have been injured or have been threatened with injury may be eligible.

Topics: Education, Jobs and unemployment, Safety and emergencies

Apply for Death Certificate

by California Department of Public Health

A certified copy of a death certificate can typically be used to obtain death benefits, claim insurance proceeds, notify social security and other legal purposes.

Topics: Personal records

Apply for Loan Repayments, Scholarships, Grants

by Department of Health Care Access and Information

HCAI improves healthcare access by providing scholarships, loan repayments, and grants to students, graduates, and institutions providing direct patient care in areas of unmet need. Learn about the loan repayment programs, scholarships, grants, and more.

Topics: Assistance and social programs, Education, Health and wellness, Jobs and unemployment

Apply for Marriage Certificate

by California Department of Public Health

A certified copy of a marriage certificate can typically be used as proof of marriage and other legal purposes. This is not a copy of the marriage license.

Topics: Personal records, State info and laws

Apply for Medi-Cal

by Department of Health Care Services

Medi-Cal offers free or low-cost health coverage for Californians who meet eligibility requirements, regardless of immigration status. Most applicants who apply and enroll in Medi-Cal will receive care through Medi-Cal health plans.

Launch service: Apply for Medi-Cal

Last updated 11/21/2024

Topics: Assistance and social programs, Health and wellness

Apply for Medical Insurance

by California Health Benefit Exchange

Apply for Medical Insurance via Covered California

Topics: Assistance and social programs, Health and wellness

Apply for the California Dream Act

by California Student Aid Commission

The California Dream Acts allows California students who cannot get financial aid from the federal government and meet other specific requirements to apply for state financial aid so they can attend some California colleges, universities, and Career Education Programs.

Topics: Assistance and social programs, Education

Apply to a Veterans Home

by Department of Veterans Affairs

The Veterans Homes of California offer affordable long-term care to aged and disabled veterans, as well as their eligible spouses and domestic partners. Learn how to start your application either online or by mail, what documents are required, and how the waitlist for each Home varies.

Topics: Health and wellness, Housing and real estate

Apply to the Directed Grant Program

by San Diego River Conservancy

The Conservancy’s Directed Grant Program seeks to support multi-benefit projects that advance a number of goals, including but not limited to: Conserving land, protecting all resources, completing the San Diego River Trail, and providing public access for the enjoyment of the San Diego River Park and open space, trails, campgrounds and park facilities.

Attend a Student Financial Aid Workshop

by California Student Aid Commission

Attend a student financial aid workshop with the Cash for College program. The Cash for College program offers free, hands-on workshops across the state. From October 1 to March 2, families can get help to complete the California Dream Act Application or the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). You can also learn about scholarships and other forms of financial aid.

Topics: Assistance and social programs, Education

Become a Retailer

by California State Lottery

Every California State Lottery retailer plays an important part in our mission: to provide supplemental funding to benefit public education. Partnering with retailers like you, we’ve given approximately $46 billion to California’s public schools and colleges since our first Scratchers® ticket was sold in 1985. Along with helping students, Lottery retailers enhance business in an exciting, fun way. It’s easy to become one, too, because our local representatives will help you every step of the way. Request an evaluation today and we’ll contact you within 10 business days.

Launch service: Become a Retailer

Last updated 01/07/2025

Topics: State info and laws

Behavioral Health

by Department of Health Care Services

Behavioral health generally refers to mental health and substance use disorders, life stressors and crises, and stress-related physical symptoms. Behavioral health care refers to the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of those conditions.

Launch service: Behavioral Health

Last updated 11/21/2024

Topics: Health and wellness

Blind Field Services

by Department of Rehabilitation

DOR's Blind Field Services provides specialized and comprehensive vocational rehabilitation services to Californians who are blind or visually impaired. Blind Field Services staff have specialized knowledge and skills in serving individuals with vision loss, and they are co-located with other DOR offices throughout the state. The goal of Blind Field Services is to increase employment outcomes and enhance the independence and self-sufficiency for consumers in California who are blind and visually impaired through a team of counselors and supervisors who understand the barriers faced in achieving meaningful employment and independent living.

Launch service: Blind Field Services

Last updated 11/22/2024

Burn Permit

by California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection

Burn permits are available online and from CAL FIRE stations, for those burning within the State Responsibility Area. Be sure to check that you are both within the State Responsibility Area and that burning is currently allowed in your location prior to obtaining a permit. For information and permits required outside the SRA / CAL FIRE jurisdiction, contact your local city/county fire authority and regional air district. Violations of any Burning Permit Terms are a violation of State Law.

Launch service: Burn Permit

Last updated 11/22/2024

Topics: Safety and emergencies

Business and Acquisition

by Department of General Services

Advocates for small businesses and disabled veteran business enterprise suppliers.

Topics: Businesses, Jobs and unemployment

Business Incentives

by Governor's Office of Business and Economic Development

California consistently creates more business and economic opportunity than any other region in the world. If your business is considering expanding or relocating to California, our office provides no-cost, confidential services for site selection and incentive navigation. Our team of regional and statewide business specialists will guide you through the array of programs to connect private sector needs to public sector resources.

Launch service: Business Incentives

Last updated 12/30/2024

Topics: Businesses

CA Clean Truck Check

by Air Resources Board

The California Clean Truck Check uses the Heavy-Duty Inspection and Maintenance (HD I/M) program to regularly ensure vehicles have proper functioning emission control systems.

Launch service: CA Clean Truck Check

Last updated 10/29/2024

Topics: Businesses, DMV/Auto

CA COVID-19 Rent Relief

by California Business, Consumer Services, and Housing Agency

Whether it’s a health-related event or a significant financial hardship, COVID-19 has affected us all. As our state continues to recover, we are committed to keeping families housed and recognize that California renters and landlords have enough to worry about. We want to make sure that past due rent isn’t one of them.

Topics: Assistance and social programs, Health and wellness, Housing and real estate

CA Meals For Kids App (Android)

by California Department of Education

The CA Meals for Kids mobile app helps you find, save, and share nearby California meal sites by searching on a variety of criteria.

Topics: Assistance and social programs, Health and wellness

CalABLE Visa Prepaid Card

by California Achieving a Better Life Experience

Sign up for tax-free treatment on earnings and withdrawals to pay for disability-related expenses

Topics: Assistance and social programs, Health and wellness, Taxes

Calculate Child Support

by Department of Child Support Services

The California Child Support Guideline Calculator is based on the same child support legal guidelines used in California courts, and can be used to estimate the amount of child support that may be ordered in your case.

Topics: Assistance and social programs, Personal records, State info and laws

Calculate Your Earthquake Insurance Premium

by California Earthquake Authority

Use the CEA Premium Calculator for a free CEA California residential earthquake insurance premium estimate. To purchase a CEA policy, you must contact a participating residential insurer.

Topics: Assistance and social programs, Housing and real estate, Safety and emergencies

Calculate your unemployment insurance

by Employment Development Department

The unemployment benefit calculator will provide you with an estimate of your weekly benefit amount, which can range from $40 to $450 per week.

Topics: Jobs and unemployment

CalEITC is bigger and better

by Franchise Tax Board

Find out if qualify for CalEITC and the new Young Child Tax Credit.

Topics: Assistance and social programs, Taxes

CalFile - File return for free

by Franchise Tax Board

Use CalFile to e-file your state tax return directly to the Franchise Tax Board. Get real-time confirmation and the fastest refund possible. And best of all, it’s free.

Topics: Taxes

California Census 2020

by Government Operations Agency

California has launched a statewide effort to ensure an accurate and complete count of Californians in the 2020 Census. The California Complete Count – Census 2020 Office is coordinating the State’s outreach and communication strategy, which focuses on the hardest-to-count residents. Working through local governments, Tribal Governments, community-based organizations and media, the state is funding work that will complement work being done nationally by the U.S. Census Bureau.

California Incarcerated Records and Information Search

by California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation

California Incarcerated Records and Information Search (CIRIS) results include name, CDCR number, age, current location, commitment counties, admission date, Board of Parole Hearing dates and outcomes for incarcerated persons currently in CDCR custody

Topics: Personal records, Safety and emergencies, State info and laws

California Low Cost Auto

by Department of Insurance

California’s Low Cost Automobile (CLCA) Insurance program was established by the Legislature in 1999 and exists (pursuant to California Insurance Code Section 11629.7) as a program designed to provide income-eligible, good drivers with liability insurance protection at affordable rates as a way to meet California’s mandatory auto insurance law. California’s Low Cost Auto (CLCA) Insurance Program is a state-sponsored program that makes insurance affordable for California residents who meet the eligibility requirements, regardless of immigration status. The CLCA Insurance program is brought to you by the California Department of Insurance and is administered by the California Automobile Assigned Risk Plan (CAARP).

Topics: Assistance and social programs, DMV/Auto

California Paid Sick Leave (PSL)

by Department of Industrial Relations

In California, most workers earn Paid Sick Leave to take time off work to care for themselves or a family member. Read about the different types of Paid Sick Leave below. Paid Sick Leave (PSL) is a permanent law in California that requires employers to provide paid time off to workers for treatment, diagnosis or preventative care for themselves, a family member or a designated person. Starting January 1, 2024, employers must provide at least 40 hours or five days off each year to most workers. This includes full-time, part-time and temporary workers who meet these qualifications: - Work for the same employer for at least 30 days within a year in California, and - Complete a 90-day employment period before taking any paid sick leave

Topics: Health and wellness, Jobs and unemployment

California Senior Gateway

by Department of Insurance

The Senior Gateway is a one-stop website intended to provide seniors, their families, and caregivers with the information they need to connect to helpful services and resources, to find answers, and solve problems. Find information on such topics as: -Avoiding and Reporting Abuse & Neglect -Preventing Fraud, Financial Abuse & Common Scams -Health Care Information -Your Rights -Other Resources Senior Gateway is sponsored by the Elder Financial Abuse Interagency Roundtable (E-FAIR) and hosted by the California Department of Insurance. For more information about E-FAIR please visit the "About Us" page.

Topics: Assistance and social programs, Health and wellness, Safety and emergencies, State info and laws

California State Fire Training

by Office of the State Fire Marshal

California State Fire Training (SFT) is the OSFM division that establishes, develops, and delivers standardized training and education for the California fire service. The State Fire Training website serves as a valuable resource and a one-stop-shop for all things related to the State Fire Training.

Topics: Education, Safety and emergencies

California Water Watch

by Department of Water Resources

California Water Watch offers the most current local and statewide water conditions down to your region and even your neighborhood. This information is updated dynamically from a variety of data sources. Everyone is welcome to research, learn, and stay informed about California's most precious resource -- water.

Topics: Safety and emergencies

Campfire Permit

by California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection

Campfire permits are available online or at any CAL FIRE, USDA Forest Service, or Bureau of Land Management facility in California. There are no fees for permits, however they must be available for rangers and other officials to check when camping. Be sure to check local restrictions as campfires may be restricted entirely in areas with a high potential for wildfire.

Launch service: Campfire Permit

Last updated 11/22/2024

Topics: Safety and emergencies

Certified Payroll Reporting

by Department of Industrial Relations

Contractors and subcontractors on most public works projects are required to submit certified payroll records (CPRs) to the Labor Commissioner using DIR's Public Works Website Services. Use this service to report online to the DIR.

Topics: Businesses, Jobs and unemployment, Taxes

Certify for Unemployment

by Employment Development Department

Certifying is the process of answering basic questions every two weeks that tells us you’re still unemployed and eligible to continue receiving benefit payments.

Topics: Jobs and unemployment

Change Home Address

by Department of Motor Vehicles

To change your address on your driver’s license (DL) or identification (ID) card, or on your vehicle/vessel online – it’s fast and easy from the convenience of your MyDMV account. Before you begin: 1. Be ready to login to your MyDMV account or create one. 2. Have your old and new addresses handy. 3. If changing the address for your vehicle or vessel, you will also need your most recent registration card and the address where your trailer coach or vessel is located (if applicable). A new driver's license, identification card, or registration card is not issued when changing your address. Temporary mailing addresses are not allowed.

Launch service: Change Home Address

Last updated 02/20/2025

Topics: Businesses, DMV/Auto, Personal records

Change your Name or Gender

by Department of Motor Vehicles

There are four steps to changing your name on your driver’s license and/or identification card and there are 3 steps to change your gender. Please select the Launch service button to be taken to our Driver’s License or ID Card Updates page for more information.

Topics: Businesses, DMV/Auto, Personal records

Check Contractor Application

by Contractors State License Board

Please have your Application Fee Number and your PIN (Personal Identification Number) ready when checking your application.

Topics: Businesses

Check your refund status

by Franchise Tax Board

You may be able to get a tax refund if you’ve paid too much tax. Use this service to check your refund status.

Topics: Taxes

Child Support Payments

by Department of Child Support Services

Today, child support payments are collected and processed by a single entity, the State Disbursement Unit. Required by federal law, the State Disbursement Unit processes 100% of child support payments in California.

Topics: Assistance and social programs

Children's Environmental Health Guidance

by Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment

The Children’s Environmental Health Center serves as a resource for CalEPA and the State of California, performs outreach and education for the medical and public health community as well as for the general public, and coordinates with the CalEPA boards and departments to promote policies and efforts that protect children’s health.

Claim a Prize

by California State Lottery

Depending on the prize amount, prizes can be claimed by visiting a Lottery retailer, visiting a Lottery District Office or by mail.

Launch service: Claim a Prize

Last updated 12/27/2024

Topics: State info and laws

Coastal Enhancement

by State Coastal Conservancy

Resource projects all the coastal zone of California

Launch service: Coastal Enhancement

Last updated 11/20/2024

Community & Place Based Data Tool

by Governor's Office of Business and Economic Development

The Community & Place Based Data Tool is an interactive web-mapping data tool containing up-to-date demographic, industry + business, education, consumer expenditure and occupation data for the cities, counties, and economic regions across California.

Topics: Businesses

Community Living Services

by Department of Rehabilitation

DOR's Community Living Services network is dedicated to the idea that communities become fully accessible and integrated to all persons with disabilities so they can live, shop, and play where they choose. Our Community Living Services network serves California’s people, businesses and public entities by providing education, advocacy and partnerships that transform the lives of people with disabilities in a variety of ways.

Create a CalCareer Account

by Department of Human Resources

Apply for jobs, register for examinations, and search for job openings with the state of California by creating a CalCareer account. Use your account to store different versions of your job application, track status, and save your resume all in one place.

Topics: Jobs and unemployment

Create a MyFTB account

by Franchise Tax Board

MyFTB gives individuals, business representatives, and tax professionals access to tax account information and services.

Topics: Taxes

Design and Construction Oversight for Schools

by Department of General Services

Provides design and construction oversight for K-12 schools and community colleges.

Topics: Businesses, Housing and real estate, Safety and emergencies

Disability Access

by Department of General Services

Promotes disability access through dialogue and collaboration with stakeholders, including the disability and business communities.

Launch service: Disability Access

Last updated 11/27/2024

Topics: Assistance and social programs, Health and wellness

District Offices

by California State Lottery

When you visit any District Office, you can get help filing your claim for prizes of $600 or more. Prizes of $1,000 or less are eligible for same-day payment at any of our nine District Offices from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. After your ticket is validated and your Claim Form is approved, you have an opportunity to get your check while you wait. *Same-day check is not guaranteed. Some claims, including but not limited to 2nd Chance prizes, promotional awards, and prizes won on advance plays, may not qualify for same-day payment and will require additional processing at Lottery Headquarters.

Launch service: District Offices

Last updated 01/07/2025

Topics: State info and laws

DMV Paperless Notices

by Department of Motor Vehicles

DMV offers paperless notices for driver's license and identification cards or vehicle registrations. Use this service to update your preference.

Topics: DMV/Auto, Personal records

Early Intervention Services

by Department of Developmental Services

The Early Start (ES) program is California’s early intervention services program for infants and toddlers with developmental delays or at risk for having a developmental disability and their families. Early Start services are available statewide and are provided in a coordinated, family-centered system.

Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)

by Department of Social Services

The Federal and California Earned Income Tax Credits (EITCs) are special tax breaks for people who work part time or full time. If you have work income, you can file and claim your EITC refunds, even if you don’t owe any income tax.

Topics: Assistance and social programs, Taxes

Earthquake warning in California

by California Earthquake Authority

Earthquake Warning California is the country’s first publicly available, statewide warning system that could give California residents crucial seconds to take cover before you feel shaking. To receive earthquake warnings, individuals and family members can download the MyShake App and ensure phone settings are adjusted to receive emergency alerts.

Topics: Safety and emergencies, State info and laws

EDD Payroll Taxes

by Employment Development Department

Find important links and resources on Payroll Taxes General Information, including forms and publications, FAQs, Payroll Tax Seminars, interest rates and tax credits as well as the dates for legal holidays. If you are starting a new business or are an existing or household employer, you can find important information and learn more about payroll taxes.

Launch service: EDD Payroll Taxes

Last updated 11/22/2024

Topics: Jobs and unemployment, Taxes

Employment, Education and Training Services

by Department of Rehabilitation

The Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) assists Californians with disabilities obtain and retain employment and maximize their ability to live independently. Vocational rehabilitation teams work closely with job seekers to establish the best combination of services and resources necessary to prepare for, find, retain and advance in employment. Our services are tailored to each individual’s strengths and challenges to ensure the greatest chance of success.

Enroll in Child Support

by Department of Child Support Services

Either parent, or a legal guardian, can enroll in services whether or not a child support court order exists. If you already have a court order, Child Support Services offers neutral assistance with every part of the process, keeps records, and helps both parties stay on track. If you do not have an order, enrolling in services means your local child support agency will help you locate the other parent, establish legal paternity/parentage if required, get a court order and see that it is enforced in every state and many foreign countries. Our simplified enrollment form makes it quick and easy to enroll in services.

Enroll in Employer Services

by Employment Development Department

This is an online service offered by the Employment Development Department (EDD) for employers to manage claims related to their business. It is a fast, convenient, and secure way for employers to manager payroll tax accounts and unemployment insurance claims online.

Topics: Businesses, Jobs and unemployment, Taxes

Enroll Your Kids in Technology Programs

by California Workforce Development Board

If you want your child to learn more about computers and technology, contact the “Hack the Hood” program. This six-week program teaches low-income youth how to improve search engines, build better websites, and how to get information listed in local internet maps and directories. It also helps youth learn leadership, entrepreneurship, and life skills.

Topics: Assistance and social programs, Education

eVQ - Electronic Verification Questionnaire

by Department of Toxic Substances Control

The eVQ System is how hazardous waste handlers file the required ID Number Verification Questionnaire to maintain the active status of their ID numbers.

Topics: Businesses, Health and wellness, Safety and emergencies, State info and laws

Facility Locator

by California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation

California Department of Corrections & Rehabilitation interactive map showing all CDCR facility for both adults and juveniles.

Launch service: Facility Locator

Last updated 01/08/2019

Topics: Personal records, Safety and emergencies, State info and laws

Family Caregiver Services

by Department of Aging

The California Department of Aging contracts with the local Area Agencies on Aging (AAA) that coordinate a variety of services for older adults, adults with disabilities, informal caregivers, and family caregivers. Caregivers can access services such as respite care and training.

Topics: Assistance and social programs, Health and wellness

Fee Calculator

by Department of Motor Vehicles

To help people plan for registration-related fees, DMV provides vehicle registration fee calculators.

Launch service: Fee Calculator

Last updated 02/20/2025

Topics: DMV/Auto

File a Complaint

by Department of Insurance

Consumers will find help in filing a Consumer Complaint, or an Independent Medical Review Application. Providers will find help in filing a Health Care Provider Complaint, as well as accessing Independent Dispute Resolution Process (IDRP) request forms.

Launch service: File a Complaint

Last updated 01/16/2025

Topics: DMV/Auto, Housing and real estate, Safety and emergencies

File a Hospital Bill Complaint

by Department of Health Care Access and Information

The Hospital Bill Complaint Program investigates patient complaints and can assess administrative penalties against hospitals for violations of the Hospital Fair Pricing Act. If you believe you were wrongly denied financial assistance, you may file a complaint with the Hospital Bill Complaint Program.

Topics: State info and laws

File Complaint Against Contractor

by Contractors State License Board

File a complaint about a construction contractor, conveniently online.

Topics: Businesses, Housing and real estate, State info and laws

File Complaint Against Professional or Business

by Department of Consumer Affairs

You may use this page to initiate a complaint against company or individual who has a license issued by the Department of Consumer Affairs.

Topics: Businesses, State info and laws

File Discrimination Complaint

by Civil Rights Department

File Discrimination Complaint via CRD's online system. Please create a user account if this is your first time.

Topics: Education, Jobs and unemployment, Safety and emergencies, State info and laws

File for Disability

by Employment Development Department

The California State Disability Insurance (SDI) program provides short-term Disability Insurance (DI) benefits to eligible workers who need time off work. You may be eligible for DI if you are unable to work due to non-work-related illness or injury.

Launch service: File for Disability

Last updated 11/22/2024

Topics: Assistance and social programs, Health and wellness, Jobs and unemployment

File for Paid Family Leave

by Employment Development Department

California State provides Paid Family Leave (PFL) wage replacement benefits to eligible workers who need time off work. You may be eligible for PFL if you are unable to work due to pregnancy or childbirth.

File for Unemployment

by Employment Development Department

This is an online service offered by the Employment Development Department (EDD). It is a fast, convenient, and secure way for customers to file and manage claims.

Topics: Assistance and social programs, Jobs and unemployment

File state taxes

by Franchise Tax Board

Filing online (e-file) is a secure, accurate, fast, and easy option to file your tax return.

Launch service: File state taxes

Last updated 01/15/2025

Topics: Taxes

Find a CA State Job

by Department of Human Resources

Learn more about jobs with the State, look at job openings and apply for jobs with the state of California.

Launch service: Find a CA State Job

Last updated 11/21/2017

Topics: Jobs and unemployment

Find a Citizenship Class

by California Department of Education

Find a citizenship class to learn about becoming a U.S. citizen with this Directory of Adult Education Programs. Learn about the requirements for becoming a U.S. Citizen, including English skills and civics, at a citizenship class in your area.

Topics: Education, Personal records, State info and laws

Find a Consumer Affairs License

by Department of Consumer Affairs

Look up a company or individual who has a license issued by the Department of Consumer Affairs.

Topics: Businesses, Jobs and unemployment

Find a Dentist

by Department of Health Care Services

Medi‑Cal Dental offers free or low-cost dental benefits for enrolled Medi‑Cal members. If your income is more than the Medi‑Cal limit for your family size, a low-cost monthly premium may be required.

Launch service: Find a Dentist

Last updated 11/22/2024

Topics: Health and wellness

Find a DMV Form

by Department of Motor Vehicles

Most DMV transactions can be completed online through our Online Services or our Virtual Field Office, but sometimes, a traditional form is still needed. The Launch service button will take you to our online forms section.

Launch service: Find a DMV Form

Last updated 02/20/2025

Topics: DMV/Auto, Personal records

Find a Fair

by Department of Food and Agriculture

Find a local fair via the Department of Food and Agriculture website, which provides fair dates and information.

Launch service: Find a Fair

Last updated 05/18/2017

Topics: Businesses, Jobs and unemployment, Travel and recreation

Find a Field Office

by Employment Development Department

An Employment Development Department (EDD) office offers a wide variety of services to Californians under Unemployment Insurance (UI), State Disability Insurance (SDI), workface investment (Jobs and Training), and Labor Market Information programs.

Launch service: Find a Field Office

Last updated 11/01/2024

Topics: Jobs and unemployment

Find a Hunter Education Course

by Department of Fish and Wildlife

A Hunter Education Certificate is a requirement for obtaining a California Hunting License. Classes are offered throughout the State by more than 1,000 certified volunteer instructors, all dedicated to keeping hunting safe, ethical, and available to all Californians.

Topics: Travel and recreation

Find a Job

by Employment Development Department

Find a Job, look up job openings, find information about applying for jobs in California

Launch service: Find a Job

Last updated 11/22/2024

Topics: Assistance and social programs, Jobs and unemployment

Find a Smog Station

by Bureau of Automotive Repair

You can search by Station Name, County, City, Postal Zip-Code, or BAR Field Office area. Select the "STAR Certified Stations" box when searching for a STAR certified station.

Launch service: Find a Smog Station

Last updated 01/13/2025

Topics: DMV/Auto

Find a State Park

by Department of Parks and Recreation

Find a State Park near you via the Parks and Recreation website. You can search by name, feature, region, city, county, of alphabetically.

Launch service: Find a State Park

Last updated 01/08/2019

Topics: Travel and recreation

Find a Traffic School

by Department of Motor Vehicles

With DMV's Occupational License Status Information System, you can find the latest list of traffic schools in your area.

Topics: DMV/Auto, Education

Find an apprenticeship

by Department of Industrial Relations

The California Division of Apprenticeship Standards (DAS) consults with employers to develop a skilled workforce with viable career pathways to increase productivity and strengthen our economy. If you are interested in becoming an apprentice, use this service.

Topics: Jobs and unemployment

Find an ESL/English Class

by California Department of Education

Find a class to learn English near you with this Directory of Adult Education Programs. These classes are sometimes called “ESL” classes because they teach “English as a Second Language.”

Topics: Assistance and social programs, Education

Find Assisted Living

by Department of Social Services

Find Assisted Living Facilities and Services, such as adult residential and daycare, elderly assisted living, child care, residential care for children, and home care organizations.

Launch service: Find Assisted Living

Last updated 11/08/2021

Find Business Resources

by Governor's Office of Business and Economic Development

Whether you’re starting a brand-new business, expanding or relocating, avoid expensive mistakes by making sure your entity is registered and permitted as required by State laws.

Topics: Businesses, Taxes

Find CCC Undocumented Student Resources

by California Community Colleges

Find resources for undocumented CCC students.

Topics: Assistance and social programs, Education, State info and laws

Find Child Care

by Department of Social Services

Find Child Care Services via the Department of Social Services website. Select your desired facility type and one of the following: street, city, zip code, county. Or, you can search via facility number.

Launch service: Find Child Care

Last updated 11/08/2021

Topics: Assistance and social programs

Find e-Benefits in Your County

by Department of Social Services

This site connects you to applications for Medi-Cal, County Medical Services Program (CMSP), CalFresh (formerly known as Food Stamps) and California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) benefits in California.

Find Foster Care

by Department of Social Services

Find Foster Care Services via the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) website. Select "Foster Family Agencies" on the CDSS website to begin.

Launch service: Find Foster Care

Last updated 11/08/2021

Topics: Assistance and social programs

Find harmful chemical warnings

by Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment

The California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment is establishing this website to provide the public with information on chemicals, products and locations often associated with Proposition 65 warnings. These warnings inform Californians about their exposures to chemicals that cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm.

Topics: Health and wellness, Safety and emergencies, State info and laws

Find Healthcare Data and Reports

by Department of Health Care Access and Information

HCAI produces datasets and data products from a variety of sources, including reports submitted to HCAI by nearly 6,000 licensed healthcare facilities as well as facility construction and healthcare workforce data managed in the administration of HCAI programs.

Topics: Education

Find Nearby Adult Education Programs

by California Department of Education

Find adult education programs near you with this Directory of Adult Education Programs. The list has adult education providers to help you learn English, learn about getting a job, and train you for a job. The classes can also help you get a high school diploma and learn how to become a U.S. citizen.

Topics: Education, Jobs and unemployment

Find Recruitment Events & Resources

by Department of Human Resources

Browse upcoming recruitment events and access resources to guide you through the State’s hiring process

Topics: Jobs and unemployment

Find Recycling location

by Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery

Find out where to recycle beverage containers, electronic waste, and other recyclables.

Topics: Assistance and social programs, State info and laws

Find Refugee Services

by Department of Social Services

Find information about services offered to refugees. You can find places to learn English, get jobs and training, and learn about education, citizenship, and legal help.

Topics: Assistance and social programs, Jobs and unemployment, Personal records, State info and laws

Find Substance Use Disorder Services

by Department of Health Care Services

Find Substance Use Disorder Services

Topics: Assistance and social programs

Find UC Undocumented Student Resources

by University of California

Find resources for undocumented UC students.

Topics: Assistance and social programs, Education, State info and laws

Find Where to File for Divorce

by California Courts

Find where to file for divorce, which depend on several factors including but not limited to your county of residence. This website can help you locate the proper county in which to file.

Topics: Personal records, State info and laws

Find Your Local School

by California Department of Education

Find your local school with this California School Directory. The list includes public, private, and adult schools, as well as information on school districts and county education offices.

Topics: Education, State info and laws

Fire Information

by California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection

Find information on fires in California.

Launch service: Fire Information

Last updated 11/22/2024

Topics: Safety and emergencies

Firewise USA®

by Office of the State Fire Marshal

The Firewise USA® program, led by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), offers a structured approach for communities to enhance their wildfire resilience in California. This initiative promotes collaborative efforts among residents, local fire departments, and other key stakeholders to bolster the fire resistance of homes and surroundings. Integral to California’s wildfire preparedness strategy, the program is supported by CAL FIRE’s Community Wildfire Preparedness & Mitigation Division, aiding communities in achieving Firewise designation.

Launch service: Firewise USA®

Last updated 11/25/2024

Topics: Safety and emergencies

First-Time Homebuyer Programs

by Housing Finance Agency

CalHFA understands that buying a home is a huge responsibility; it is also a huge opportunity. Owning your home means you can paint the walls with your favorite color, plant flowers and vegetables if you choose and plant the seed for an investment in your future. Of course, before you leap into all of the benefits of homeownership, you should get prepared first. To help you get ready and get the most out of CalHFA’s loan programs and assistance, please visit our dedicated website for first-time homebuyers.

Fleet and Asset Management

by Department of General Services

Auctions surplus property and state mobile equipment.

Topics: DMV/Auto, Travel and recreation

Food & Nutrition

by Department of Aging

CDA contracts with partners providing free group meals in congregate settings such as senior centers and with others that deliver free nutritious meals to older adults in their homes. The service also provides nutrition education, nutrition risk screening, and nutrition counseling. Voluntary contributions are welcome but not required.

Launch service: Food & Nutrition

Last updated 11/27/2024

Topics: Assistance and social programs, Health and wellness

Food stamps

by Department of Social Services

The CalFresh program helps to improve the health and well-being of qualified households and individuals by providing them a means to meet their nutritional needs.

Launch service: Food stamps

Last updated 11/04/2021

Topics: Assistance and social programs, Health and wellness

Form a Business

by Secretary of State

Form/Register a business entity in California. Depending on the business, there can be multiple steps and required forms. The Secretary of State website can help.

Launch service: Form a Business

Last updated 01/08/2019

Topics: Businesses

Funding for School Construction

by Department of General Services

Administers the state voter-approved school facilities construction bond program and is staff to the State Allocation Board.

Topics: Education

Get a CalVet Home Loan

by Department of Veterans Affairs

Any veteran can apply for a CalVet Home Loan when purchasing an owner-occupied home in California. To be eligible, you must (1) Have served on active duty for at least 90 days during wartime or peacetime (excluding training), (2) Have a discharge under honorable conditions, and (3) Not have a current CalVet Home Loan. Apply online so you can start making offers on your next home.

Topics: Assistance and social programs, Housing and real estate

Get a Fishing or Hunting License

by Department of Fish and Wildlife

Buy a fishing or hunting license in person or online. Online customers must be at least 18 years of age and provide a Visa or MasterCard to make a purchase.

Topics: Businesses, Travel and recreation

Get a High School Diploma

by California Department of Education

Find classes for adults who want to get a high school diploma with this Directory of Adult Education Programs. These classes, often called General Educational Development (GED) programs, can help adults who did not graduate from high school prepare for and take a test to get high school diploma.

Topics: Education

Get a Premium Discount

by California Earthquake Authority

CEA offers earthquake insurance premium discounts for older houses that have been retrofitted to better withstand earthquakes.

Topics: Safety and emergencies

Get Citizenship Services

by Department of Social Services

Get access to citizenship services via the Department of Social Services website. Citizenship services can include information on eligibility requirements and application assistance with the naturalization application. Knowledgeable service providers exist throughout California; select your region to find a provider near you.

Topics: Assistance and social programs, Personal records

Get Copies of Business Entity Documents

by Secretary of State

Request copies of filed business entity documents, or a Certificate of Status or a Certificate of Filing.

Topics: Businesses

Get COVID-19 Information and Help

by Government Operations Agency

Official website for California Coronavirus (COVID-19) Response daily updates and resources. Stay home - save lives. Find information and services to help you and help others.

Topics: Health and wellness, Personal records, Safety and emergencies

Get DACA Info about Worker's Rights

by Labor and Workforce Development Agency

Get information on DACA and worker’s rights.

Topics: State info and laws

Get DACA Legal Help

by Department of Social Services

Find immigration legal services for DACA via the Department of Social Services website. There are service providers throughout California.

Launch service: Get DACA Legal Help

Last updated 10/08/2020

Topics: Assistance and social programs, Personal records, State info and laws

Get Digital Vaccine Record

by California Department of Public Health

If you want to share your proof of vaccination digitally, you can get an electronic version of the record card you were given at time of vaccination. Enter a few details to get a link to a QR code and digital copy of your COVID-19 vaccination record.

Topics: Health and wellness, Personal records

Get Disaster Relief Assistance

by Office of the Governor

Every Californian, regardless of age, ability, income or language, deserves culturally competent education to prepare for wildfire, flood, earthquake, drought, heatwave and other disasters. Thanks to a continuous investment of public funds by Governor Gavin Newsom and state lawmakers, Listos California engages a statewide network of community-based organizations, Tribal Governments, and Community Emergency Response Teams across the state to boost resiliency, provide accessible in-language information and advance a new culture of disaster preparedness.

Topics: Assistance and social programs, Safety and emergencies

Get Job Training in Long Beach

by California Workforce Development Board

If you are in the Long Beach area and need training to find a good job, contact this program. You can get job training, help finding education programs, and support services. The ASPIRE (Access, Systems & Programs for Immigrants) leads this program.

Topics: Education, Jobs and unemployment

Get Job Training in Madera/Fresno

by California Workforce Development Board

If you are in the Madera or Fresno County area and need training to find a good job, contact this program. You can get job training and placement, English classes, and high school classes. Classes are offered through the America’s Job Center of California (AJCC) system. You can also get support services.

Topics: Education, Jobs and unemployment

Get Job Training in Orange County

by California Workforce Development Board

If you are in the Orange County area and need training to find a good job, contact this program. You can get career counseling and support services through the Orange County English Language Learner (ELL) Workforce Navigator Program. ELL Navigators work in the Orange County America’s Job Center of California (AJCC) system where they offer many services to help people get a job.

Topics: Education, Jobs and unemployment

Get Job Training in Sacramento

by California Workforce Development Board

If you are in the Sacramento area and need training to find a good job, contact this program. You can get English classes, job training, and support services. Services are offered at four locations in the area.

Topics: Education, Jobs and unemployment

Get Job Training in San Diego

by California Workforce Development Board

If you are in the San Diego area and need training to find a good job, contact this program. The San Diego English Language Learner (ELL) Workforce Navigator Project connects training providers, adult education partners, and immigrant-serving community organizations. The San Diego Workforce Partnership (SDWP) leads this program.

Topics: Education, Jobs and unemployment

Get Legal Help

by Department of Social Services

Find immigration legal services via the Department of Social Services website. Legal help can include application assistance with the Naturalization application and other USCIS forms. Service providers exist throughout California; select your region to find a provider near you.

Launch service: Get Legal Help

Last updated 10/08/2020

Topics: State info and laws

Get Permit Assistance

by Governor's Office of Business and Economic Development

This service assists you in finding appropriate permit information for your business. It also provides contact information for the various agencies that administer & issue these permits.

Topics: Businesses, Taxes

Get Student Financial Aid Information

by California Student Aid Commission

Get student financial aid information using this “Fund Your Future” magazine. The “Fund Your Future” magazine is the California Student Aid Commission’s resource guide for college and career training financial aid. View, download, or order the magazine in other languages through this website.

Topics: Education

Get Updates on DACA

by Office of the Governor

Find updated information on DACA.

Launch service: Get Updates on DACA

Last updated 10/08/2020

Topics: Assistance and social programs, Personal records, State info and laws

Get Workforce Capacity Education and Training

by Department of Health Care Access and Information

HCAI collects, analyzes, and publishes data about California’s healthcare workforce and health professional training, as well as identifies areas of the state in which there are shortages of health professionals and service capacity. Find information on areas of unmet need, healthcare workforce data, grants, and more.

Topics: Assistance and social programs, Education, Jobs and unemployment

Get Your UI Claim Status

by Employment Development Department

You may need to update eligibility or verify your identity. Use this service to check your claim status.

Topics: Assistance and social programs, Jobs and unemployment

Get Your Vehicle Registration Status

by Department of Motor Vehicles

Use this service to check your vehicle registration status.

Topics: DMV/Auto, Personal records


by Office of the State Fire Marshal

The GOVMOTUS system allows for quick and easy payment options for license application fees, license status lookups, complaints, and Building Materials Listings.

Launch service: GOVMOTUS

Last updated 11/25/2024

Topics: Safety and emergencies

Hazardous Waste Tracking System

by Department of Toxic Substances Control

The Hazardous Waste Tracking System (HWTS) is the California Department of Toxic Substances Control’s (DTSC) data repository for hazardous waste manifest and ID Number information.

Topics: Businesses, Health and wellness, Safety and emergencies, State info and laws

Health Effects of Pesticides

by Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment

OEHHA responds to inquiries from the public on the health effects of pesticides, including those used to control invasive species. OEHHA also provides educational materials and trainings to health care professionals on pesticide-related illnesses and reporting requirements.

Topics: Health and wellness, Safety and emergencies, State info and laws

Home & Community Services

by Department of Aging

The California Department of Aging contracts with partners providing a variety of services for older adults, adults with disabilities, and caregivers. These include caregiver assistance and help at home, adult day centers, assisted transportation, legal assistance, and information assistance.

Topics: Assistance and social programs, Health and wellness

Honor a Hero, Hire a Vet

by Employment Development Department

The California Employment Development Department offers many resources to help California employers hire veterans. The department also offers tools for veterans who are looking for work in the state.

Topics: Jobs and unemployment

Housing Counseling Program

by Housing Finance Agency

Californians struggling with the homebuying process, their existing mortgage or rental payments or those that are in danger of experiencing homelessness can find it hard to identify and use the wide variety of resources that are available to help. Struggling Californians can get helpful strategies and resources by scheduling a free, confidential session with a HUD-certified housing counselor. To get help, visit CalHFA’s NMS Housing Counseling Program web page and connect with a housing counselor.

How to begin the appeals process

by Cannabis Control Appeals Panel

The process begins with the appellant filing CCAP Form 6003 – Notice of Appeal AND CCAP Form 6005 – Certification of Email Address. These forms are available on CCAP’s website.

Topics: State info and laws

Human Resources

by Department of General Services

Provides services in the areas of recruitment and hiring.

Launch service: Human Resources

Last updated 11/27/2024

Topics: Assistance and social programs

Indicators of Climate Change in California

by Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment

OEHHA publishes a report presenting indicators that track observed changes in the state’s climate and its impacts. Collectively, the indicators portray a statewide picture of climate change in California; reports on how certain Tribal Nations have experienced climate change are also presented.

Topics: Education, Health and wellness, Safety and emergencies, State info and laws

Information Bulletins

by Office of the State Fire Marshal

Stay in the know with our latest news and information bulletins! Discover what's happening and be the first to catch the latest developments.

Topics: Safety and emergencies

Learn About Applying for College

by California Student Aid Commission

Learn more about college with the California Student Opportunity and Access Program (Cal-SOAP). Cal-SOAP serves first-generation and low-income students. It offers college advising, tutoring, parent outreach, and college awareness resources.

Topics: Education

Learn About Jobs for Foreign-born Professionals

by California Workforce Development Board

Many foreign-born California residents became professionals in their home countries and are highly-educated, but are unemployed or underemployed in the United States. Many people can only find work in low-wage jobs because it is difficult to get credit for international degrees and get the required licenses to practice their professions in California. The organization, Upwardly Global, partners with the state to help foreign-born professionals find jobs that use their skills and offer better wages.

Topics: Education, Jobs and unemployment

Learn About Your State Employee Benefits

by Department of Human Resources

CalHR is responsible for the design, acquisition, and oversight of the statewide employee benefit programs, including dental, vision, flexible spending accounts, wellness and other statewide benefit programs.

Topics: Health and wellness

Learn More about DMV for DACA

by Department of Motor Vehicles

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients have been authorized to apply for a DL/ID since June 15, 2012, upon presentation of documents issued by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). For more information select the Launch service button.

Topics: DMV/Auto

Learn to Read and Write

by California Department of Education

Find a class to learn how to read and write in English with this Directory of Adult Education.

Topics: Assistance and social programs, Education

Legal Services

by Department of Aging

The California Department of Aging contracts with partners providing legal services to older adults and adults with disabilities on a variety of legal problems including housing, consumer fraud, elder abuse, Social Security, Supplemental Security Income, Medicare, Medi-Cal, age discrimination, pensions, nursing homes, protective services, conservatorships, and other matters.

Launch service: Legal Services

Last updated 11/27/2024

Topics: Assistance and social programs

Locate Current Road Conditions

by California Highway Patrol

For up-to-date information on current road conditions, choose from a list of CHP Communication Centers. The contact number below is for non-emergency situations.

Topics: Safety and emergencies

Look Up a Bill or Law

by California State Legislature

Search California Legislative Information and access California Law and Bill information including Legislative Publications.

Topics: Safety and emergencies

Look up an acohol license

by Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control

Your can learn more about an applicant, licensed individual, or licensed business that is regulated by the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control. Use this service to locate records by license number, licensee name, business address, or business name.

Topics: Businesses

Look Up Auto Repair Dealer License

by Bureau of Automotive Repair

When using this service, To look up a license, please enter either the person, business name, license number, city or county. If you're not sure of a person's name or a business name, partial names can be used to locate licensees. For example, if you think the last name of a person is Smith, enter Smith in the name box and then click on Find. All the Smiths will be displayed. You can also enter other criteria to help narrow down a search for a person or business. For example, if you want all the Smiths in Los Angeles, enter Smith in the Name box and Los Angeles in the City box. Then, click on Find. All the Smiths located in Los Angeles will be displayed. If you know the license number, enter only the numeric portion of the license number and click on Find to display a specific license.

Topics: DMV/Auto

Look Up Contractor License

by Contractors State License Board

Look up a contractor license or Home Improvement Salesperson (HIS) registration to verify information, including complaint disclosure.

Topics: Businesses, Housing and real estate

Look up Crime Statistics

by Department of Justice

The California Attorney General (OAG) has the duty to collect, analyze, and report statistical data, which provide valid measures of crime and the criminal justice process to government and the citizens of California. The OAG's site contains crime data submitted by county and local law enforcement agencies, as well as current and historical publications on crime, juvenile justice, homicide, and hate crimes in California.

Topics: Safety and emergencies

Look Up My Representatives

by Secretary of State

Use this online service to find your State Senate, State Assembly or United States Congressional Representative, as well as information on how you can contact them.

Topics: Safety and emergencies

Look Up Tax Rates

by California Department of Tax and Fee Administration

When using this service, please ensure the address information you input is the address you intended. The tax rate given here will reflect the current rate of tax for the address that you enter.

Launch service: Look Up Tax Rates

Last updated 05/16/2022

Topics: Businesses, Taxes

Make a Camping Reservation

by Department of Parks and Recreation

The California Department of Parks and Recreation manages more than 270 park units, which contain the finest and most diverse collection of natural, cultural, and recreational resources to be found within California. These treasures are as diverse as California itself: From the last stands of primeval redwood forests to vast expanses of fragile desert; from the lofty Sierra Nevada to the broad sandy beaches of our southern coast; and from the opulence of Hearst Castle to the vestiges of colonial Russia.

Topics: Travel and recreation

Make a payment

by Franchise Tax Board

Pay with your checking or savings account, credit card, or set up a payment plan. Other payment options available.

Launch service: Make a payment

Last updated 01/15/2025

Topics: Taxes

Manage Your Real Estate License

by Department of Real Estate

The California Department of Real Estate (DRE) offers expedited processing of license and examination transactions through the easy to use, paperless, interactive eLicensing online system.

Topics: Businesses, Housing and real estate, State info and laws

Manage Your Unemployment Insurance Claim

by Employment Development Department

UI Online is a fast, convenient, and secure way for Unemployment Insurance (UI) customers to access claim information, certify for benefits*, and manage their claims 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Topics: Jobs and unemployment

Meals For Kids (iOS)

by California Department of Education

The CA Meals for Kids mobile app helps you find, save, and share nearby California meal sites by searching on a variety of criteria.

Launch service: Meals For Kids (iOS)

Last updated 01/13/2022

Topics: Assistance and social programs

Medi-Cal Benefits

by Department of Health Care Services

Medi-Cal members have access to a wide range of benefits and services that go beyond the doctor's office or hospital.

Launch service: Medi-Cal Benefits

Last updated 11/21/2024

Topics: Health and wellness

Medicare Counseling

by Department of Aging

The California Department of Aging contracts with partners coordinating HICAP (Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program), whose volunteers provide free one-on-one information and counseling to older adults and their families on complex Medicare and health insurance related issues.

Launch service: Medicare Counseling

Last updated 11/27/2024

Topics: Assistance and social programs, Health and wellness

Mobile App

by California State Lottery

The California Lottery Mobile App is a “must have” for any Lottery fan! It’s packed with fun features. Scan any ticket to see if you are a winner and how much you won. Scan your eligible ticket codes to enter weekly 2nd Chance draws for over $200,000 in cash prizes. Check winning numbers and jackpot amounts for any Draw game. See Hot Spot® draw results, updated every 4 minutes. Find a Lottery retailer near you and see the latest 2nd Chance promotions and winners.

Launch service: Mobile App

Last updated 12/30/2024

Topics: State info and laws

Mobile Driver License (DMV Wallet)

by Department of Motor Vehicles

Be among the first to carry your driver’s license on your phone by joining this voluntary pilot. The pilot is limited to 1.5 million participants, so sign up today.

Topics: DMV/Auto, Personal records, Travel and recreation

New Registration for Your Vehicle

by Department of Motor Vehicles

New Registration for Your Vehicle: If you need to register a vehicle for use on California roadways, waterways, or trailways, the launch service button will take you to the New Registration page that provides for all your registration needs.

Topics: DMV/Auto, Personal records

Online Appointment Scheduler

by Department of Motor Vehicles

DMV offices do not provide services for vehicle registration renewal (with no changes), driver’s license/ID Card renewal (with no in-office requirements), driver’s license and vehicle records, or replacement driver’s licenses. These services must be done online, at a DMV kiosk, with a DMV business partner, or by mail. Use the “Get in Line” option (when available) for same day visits.

Topics: DMV/Auto

Path to U.S. Citizenship

by California State Library

Public libraries can help put you on the path to citizenship! Public libraries can provide immigration study and test materials, official immigration forms and access to computers for filling out the citizenship application. Even if you don’t speak English your library can help. Many libraries offer free English classes and also have books, audio CDs, and DVDs in different languages to help you learn or improve your English on your own. Best of all, library materials and services are free. All you have to do is find your local public library and sign up for your free library card. Then ask the friendly staff how to start your journey to citizenship. Deciding to become a citizen is an important decision - your public library can help you reach your dream!


by San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission

Permits are required for most projects and activities in the following areas: -San Francisco Bay, including its open waters, marshes, and mudflats -Most creeks, rivers, sloughs, and other tributaries that flow into the Bay and are subject to tides -The first 100 feet inland from the shoreline around San Francisco Bay and its tidally influenced tributaries (an area called the “shoreline band”) -Certain areas of the Bay that were diked off in the past, including salt ponds, duck hunting preserves, game refuges, and other managed wetlands -Large areas within Suisun Marsh, including levees, waterways, marshes, and low-lying grasslands

Launch service: Permits

Last updated 11/04/2024

Topics: Businesses

Prepare Your House

by California Earthquake Authority

Learn about the different structural risks and geologic hazards that houses in California face. And, access preparedness resources to learn more about how to prepare your home, including how to apply for a seismic retrofit grant of up to $3,000 from Earthquake Brace + Bolt.

Launch service: Prepare Your House

Last updated 11/14/2018

Topics: Housing and real estate


by Department of General Services

The DGS Procurement Division certifies small businesses.

Launch service: Procurement

Last updated 11/27/2024

Topics: Businesses

Product Recall

by Office of the State Fire Marshal

The Office of the State Fire Marshal is your trusted source for the latest information on recalls related to a wide range of consumer products. Our commitment to safety extends beyond firefighting, encompassing the well-being of our communities in every aspect. Here, you'll find up-to-date alerts and comprehensive details on product recalls, ensuring that you have access to vital information to protect yourself, your loved ones, and your property.

Launch service: Product Recall

Last updated 11/25/2024

Topics: Safety and emergencies

Public Health Goals

by Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment

A Public Health Goal (PHG) is the level of a chemical contaminant in drinking water that does not pose a significant risk to health.

Launch service: Public Health Goals

Last updated 12/11/2024

Topics: Health and wellness, Safety and emergencies, State info and laws

Reforestation Resources

by California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection

CAL FIRE’s Reforestation Services Program produces containerized stock of conifer tree species for reforestation on private and state-owned lands in California. In addition, the Reforestation Services Program maintains a seed bank of source-identified native conifer species from seed zones and elevations throughout California. Seedlings are available seasonally to order from the Reforestation Services Program webpage.

Register for Permits, Licenses, or Accounts

by California Department of Tax and Fee Administration

Register for new business permits, licenses, and accounts or add business locations. Use your online account to pay sales and use tax and most of the special tax and fee programs.

Topics: Businesses

Register to Vote

by Secretary of State

The deadline to register or re-register to vote for any election is 11:59:59 p.m. Pacific Time on the 15th calendar day before that election. If you submit an application after this time, your application will still be processed for future elections. Please do NOT use the online form to register or re-register to vote if you are enrolled in a confidential address program such as Safe at Home. If sharing your address could put you in life-threatening danger, you may be eligible to register to vote confidentially.

Launch service: Register to Vote

Last updated 01/08/2019

Topics: State info and laws

Registered Professional Forester Examination

by Board of Forestry and Fire Protection

RPF and CRM Examinations are generally scheduled for April and October of every year. The RPF examination is developed by the Office of Professional Forester Registration’s (OPFR) contracted Expert Examiner. The CRM examination is developed by the sponsoring professional society, the California-Pacific Section of the Society of Range Management (Cal-Pac SRM). Both exams are administered by OPFR.

Regulatory Assistance Office

by Department of Toxic Substances Control

The Regulatory Assistance Office provides informal guidance regarding the management of hazardous waste, including compliance assistance, information, and research services. This is available to the generators, transporters, and facilities managing hazardous waste, as well as other government entities and the general public. If you can’t find answers to your questions, please contact us for assistance.

Topics: Assistance and social programs, Businesses, Safety and emergencies, State info and laws

Release of Liability

by Department of Motor Vehicles

Sold your vehicle? Completing a Notice of Transfer and Release of Liability (NRL) lets DMV know that you are no longer responsible for parking/traffic violations or civil or criminal actions associated with the vehicle after the date of sale.

Launch service: Release of Liability

Last updated 02/27/2025

Topics: DMV/Auto, Personal records, Safety and emergencies

Renew a Consumer Affairs License

by Department of Consumer Affairs

BreEZe is an online licensing system for the Department of Consumer Affairs. Licensees/applicants can submit license applications, renew a license and change their address. The following are using the system: Board of Barbering & Cosmetology, Board of Behavioral Sciences, Dental Board, Dental Hygiene Committee, Naturopathic Medicine Committee, Medical Board of California, Board of Occupational Therapy, Board of Optometry, Osteopathic Medical, Board of California, Physical Therapy Board, Physician Assistant Board, Board of Podiatric Medicine, Board of Psychology, Board of Registered Nursing, Respiratory Care Board, Bureau of Security & Investigative Services, Veterinary Medical Board and Veterinary Technician Examining Committee, and Board of Vocational Nursing & Psychiatric Technicians.

Topics: Businesses

Renew Appraiser License

by Bureau of Real Estate Appraisers

This renewal system is not for licensees with an out of state address. It is not for those who have a temporary license or those whose license has been suspended, resigned, revoked, or those who have had their right to renew revoked. Those who are subject to Enforcement monitoring are also ineligible to use this system. The existing license must be current and in good standing. Renewal may not occur more than six months prior to the existing license expiration date.

Topics: Businesses, Housing and real estate

Renew Driver’s License or ID Card

by Department of Motor Vehicles

Renew your driver’s license and or ID card online before they expire.

Topics: DMV/Auto

Renew Your Vehicle Registration

by Department of Motor Vehicles

Renew your vehicle registration online before it expires.

Topics: DMV/Auto

Replacement Driver’s License Request

by Department of Motor Vehicles

If your driver’s license (DL) has been lost, stolen, damaged or mutilated, a replacement DL can be requested using this system.

Topics: DMV/Auto, Personal records

Report a Hate Incident

by Civil Rights Department

All victims and witnesses of hate incidents and hate crimes can report and are eligible for free hotline support services. California vs Hate is not affiliated with law enforcement, and you can report anonymously.

Topics: Assistance and social programs, Safety and emergencies

Report an Issue or Complaint

by Department of Motor Vehicles

The DMV Investigations Division (INV) and the Occupational Licensing Division (OL) protect the programs and interests of the department and public through active fraud/counterfeit detection, investigation, audit, and enforcement services. Use this service if you would like to file a complaint or report an issue.

Topics: DMV/Auto

Request Vehicle Record

by Department of Motor Vehicles

DMV maintains the public records of statistical information about vehicle registration, driver’s licenses, occupational licenses, and more. DMV’s online system allows you to print your vehicle/vessel registration record.

Topics: DMV/Auto, Personal records

Review of licensing decisions

by Cannabis Control Appeals Panel

The Cannabis Control Appeals Panel is responsible for appeals of any decision by state cannabis licensing authorities relating to the order of any penalty assessment, issuing, denying, transferring, conditioning, suspending or revoking any license provided under the Medical and Adult-Use Cannabis Regulation and Safety Act (MAUCRSA).

Topics: Businesses

Risk and Insurance Management

by Department of General Services

Provides risk management and insurance services to state agencies and other public entities.

Topics: Businesses, DMV/Auto, Safety and emergencies

Save Our Water

by Department of Water Resources

California is experiencing climate shifts that bring more extreme weather, swinging between flood and drought. With the wets getting wetter and the hots getter hotter, every household is being asked to continue saving water for our future. Save Our Water is a statewide program aimed at helping Californians make water conservation a way of life. The program is reaching millions of Californians each year with its water-saving message and tips. Browse our website to uncover ideas on saving water indoors and out. We can all make a difference in California's water use by making simple changes to our daily habits.

Launch service: Save Our Water

Last updated 12/03/2024

Search for an Appraiser

by Bureau of Real Estate Appraisers

Search our listing that includes information on current licensees. It also includes prior licensees that have resigned, been revoked, or had the right to renew their license revoked. This information is typically updated on a bi-weekly basis.

Topics: Housing and real estate

Search for an exam

by Department of Human Resources

A CalCareers exam evaluates a candidate's knowledge, skills, and abilities to determine their potential for success in a specific job classification. Once you identify what exam you need to take, use this service to find exam time availability and locations.

Launch service: Search for an exam

Last updated 11/01/2024

Topics: Jobs and unemployment

Search for Personnel Licensing

by California Department of Public Health

This service will allow you to search by license/certificate number, last name, or full name of all clinical laboratory scientists, specialists, and phlebotomists be licensed or certified by the Department of Public Health Laboratory Field Services Branch (LFS) in order to seek employment in California

Topics: Businesses, Jobs and unemployment, Personal records

Search for Registered Sex Offenders

by Department of Justice

California's Megan's Law was enacted in 1996 Penal Code § 290.46. It mandates the California Department of Justice (DOJ) to notify the public about specified registered sex offenders. The California Megan's Law Website is a searchable tool to obtain information from the registered sex offender database. The information contained in the database is updated daily by law enforcement.

Topics: Safety and emergencies

Search for Unclaimed Property

by State Controller's Office

California's Unclaimed Property Law requires corporations, businesses, associations, financial institutions, and insurance companies (referred to as "Holders") to annually report and deliver property to the California State Controller's Office after there has been no activity on the account or contact with the owner for a period of time specified in the law - generally (3) three years or more. This search page will allow you to locate Unclaimed Property that already has been sent to the State for safekeeping, as well as property that is about to be sent to the State by a business as required by law. If you feel you may have other accounts that did not appear in your search, please return to this site at a later date as names are continually added to the Unclaimed Property database.

Topics: Businesses, State info and laws

Sexual Harassment Prevention Training

by Civil Rights Department

A course of videos and quizzes to help employees in the State of California prevent sexual harassment in the workplace

Topics: Education, Safety and emergencies, State info and laws

Small Business Assistance Centers

by Governor's Office of Business and Economic Development

Quickly locate a center and connect with a local advisor. The network of centers provide free one-on-one consulting and no-cost or low-cost trainings, in over 30 languages

Topics: Businesses

Start a Building Safety Project

by Department of Health Care Access and Information

HCAI regulates the design and construction of healthcare facilities to ensure they are safe and capable of providing services to the public, and provides finance tools for capital projects. Find information on facilities, building plans and permits, seismic compliance, inspections, construction financing, and more.

Topics: Safety and emergencies, State info and laws

Start Saving for Retirement Today

by Department of Human Resources

It’s never too early to plan for retirement. Learn about your options to supplement your pension plan with Savings Plus.

Student Services

by Department of Rehabilitation

DOR Student Services are available to students with disabilities between the ages of 16-21 with a school district individual education plan (IEP) or 504 plan. Student Services provides students with job related activities to explore and prepare for the world of work. The opportunities are based on a student's interests and a student can try a variety of activities or just a few. Activities include work experience, job counseling, education and training programs, skills and self-advocacy training.

Launch service: Student Services

Last updated 11/22/2024

Submit a Certificate of Veterinary Inspections

by State of California

This service helps veterinarians and individuals meet the requirements of dogs entering California. You can submit a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (CVI) to meet state requirements.

Topics: Health and wellness

Submit an IMR/Complaint Form

by Department of Managed Health Care

If your health plan denies, changes or delays your request for medical services, denies payment for emergency treatment or refuses to cover experimental or investigational treatment for a serious medical condition, you can apply for an Independent Medical Review (IMR). You can also file a Consumer Complaint when you have other issues with your health plan. These issues can consist of billing problems, cancellation of coverage, claim and copay disputes, delays in getting an appointment, referral or authorization, access to translation services, finding an in-network doctor, hospital, or specialist, complaints about a doctor or plan and continuity of care. Fill out and submit an IMR/Complaint Form online or call the DMHC Help Center at 1-888-466-2219 for assistance.

Topics: Health and wellness, State info and laws

Submit Complaint Form

by California Privacy Protection Agency

If you believe your privacy rights, or someone else's, have been violated, you can submit a complaint using the California Privacy Protection Agency's Complaint Form. The California Privacy Protection Agency (Agency) enforces the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and its implementing regulations. Your complaint may be used to broadly monitor industry compliance or to inform an enforcement action. The Agency does not represent individual consumers and cannot act as your attorney.

Topics: Personal records, State info and laws

Traffic tickets

by California Courts

Traffic tickets are handled at the county office in which the ticket was issued. This website can help you find the appropriate county traffic court to pay or challenge your ticket.

Launch service: Traffic tickets

Last updated 01/08/2019

Topics: DMV/Auto

Transfer Title

by Department of Motor Vehicles

Any change of the current registered owner or lienholder (legal owner) of a vehicle or vessel/boat requires transferring the title to the new owner. Transfer of ownership between the seller and the buyer must be started with DMV within 10 days of the sale of the vehicle or boat.

Launch service: Transfer Title

Last updated 02/20/2025

Topics: DMV/Auto

Unclaimed Property Reporting Resources

by State Controller's Office

Holders of Unclaimed Property include business associations, banking and financial organizations, life insurance corporations, and other entities holding property belonging to another person. By law, holders are required to review their records each year to determine if they hold any property, whether tangible or intangible, that has remained unclaimed for the required dormancy period. Once property has remained unclaimed for the required dormancy period, it becomes reportable.

Topics: Businesses, State info and laws

Verify a Real Estate License

by Department of Real Estate

Check the status of a real estate licensee using a name, address, or license ID.

Topics: Housing and real estate

View Draw Results

by California State Lottery

View draw results on the California State Lottery's website. See if you're a winner!

Launch service: View Draw Results

Last updated 12/27/2024

Topics: State info and laws

View Driver's Handbooks

by Department of Motor Vehicles

Preparing for a drive test or knowledge test? Here’s what you need to know to pass your tests. Online handbooks are available in a variety of formats.

Topics: DMV/Auto

View Forms and Publications

by Franchise Tax Board

Once you determine what form you should file, use this service to find a tax form or publication from 2008 to present.

Topics: Personal records, Taxes

Visitation Scheduling Application

by California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation

The Visitation Scheduling Application is an application that is offered as an additional service to help expedite and enhance the visitation process.

Topics: Safety and emergencies, State info and laws

Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA)

by Franchise Tax Board

Get free tax help at a location near you

Topics: Assistance and social programs, Taxes

Where to Play

by California State Lottery

Find a California Lottery retailer near you.

Launch service: Where to Play

Last updated 01/07/2025

Topics: State info and laws

Who Benefits

by California State Lottery

The mission of the California Lottery is to raise supplemental funding for public education. The Lottery has generated more than $46 billion for California’s public schools since we began in 1985.

Launch service: Who Benefits

Last updated 12/30/2024

Topics: State info and laws

Women, Infants and Children (WIC)

by California Department of Public Health

Women, Infants and Children (WIC) helps families get healthy food and a lot more. WIC helps families by providing nutrition education, breastfeeding support, healthy foods, and referrals to healthcare and other community services. WIC serves babies and children up to age 5, pregnant women, and new mothers. Dads, grandparents, foster parents of young children, and working families are welcome at WIC too!

Topics: Assistance and social programs

Worker Rights and Employer Responsibilities

by Department of Industrial Relations

California’s labor laws protect all workers, regardless of immigration status. The Department of Industrial Relations serves all workers in multiple languages and our team does not ask about/track immigration status. If you need to leave California or the United States, you can still contact our office to file a claim. If you are employed in California, your employer must provide a safe workplace and pay all the wages you are owed. If you think an injury or illness is work-related, you may be able to receive workers’ compensation benefits from your employer to pay for medical care and partial wages. Your labor rights allow you to ask your employer about your pay and working conditions. When you exercise your labor rights, it is against the law for your employer to retaliate against you.

Topics: Businesses, Health and wellness, Jobs and unemployment

Worker Safety Wildfire Cleanup and Rebuilding

by Department of Industrial Relations

The work to cleanup and rebuild after wildfires must be done in compliance with California's labor laws and workplace safety and health regulations. California's robust worker protections apply to every workplace in the state: - Cal/OSHA workplace safety and health standards requiring employers to identify hazards, train workers on how to prevent unsafe working conditions, provide proper personal protective equipment and injury/illness prevention planning. - Labor laws including minimum wage, overtime, prevailing wage on public works projects, meal & rest breaks, and unfair immigration related practices. - Workers' compensation for work related injuries & illnesses including paid medical treatment and benefits for temporary/permanent disabilities.

Topics: Businesses, Health and wellness, Jobs and unemployment

Youth Behavioral Health

by Department of Health Care Services

Several options exist for youth mental health and substance use treatment and prevention. BrightLife Kids: Provides vital resources, including free coaching, age-tailored educational content, online tools, and care navigation services, to parents, caregivers, and kids 0-12 years old ( Soluna: Provides vital resources, including free coaching, age-tailored educational content, online tools, and care navigation services, to teens and young adults ages 13-25 ( Dyadic Services: Children up to age 5 who are covered by Medi-Cal and their caregivers may qualify for dyadic care (

Topics: Health and wellness