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Apply for a horse racing license

by California Horse Racing Board

Download and fill out applications for horse racing licenses: Owners, Trainers, Jockeys, Grooms, Agents, Officials.

Topics: Businesses, Personal records, Travel and recreation

Find a Fair

by Department of Food and Agriculture

Find a local fair via the Department of Food and Agriculture website, which provides fair dates and information.

Launch service: Find a Fair

Last updated 05/18/2017

Topics: Businesses, Jobs and unemployment, Travel and recreation

Find a Hunter Education Course

by Department of Fish and Wildlife

A Hunter Education Certificate is a requirement for obtaining a California Hunting License. Classes are offered throughout the State by more than 1,000 certified volunteer instructors, all dedicated to keeping hunting safe, ethical, and available to all Californians.

Topics: Travel and recreation

Find a State Park

by Department of Parks and Recreation

Find a State Park near you via the Parks and Recreation website. You can search by name, feature, region, city, county, of alphabetically.

Launch service: Find a State Park

Last updated 01/08/2019

Topics: Travel and recreation

Fleet and Asset Management

by Department of General Services

Auctions surplus property and state mobile equipment.

Topics: DMV/Auto, Travel and recreation

Get a Fishing or Hunting License

by Department of Fish and Wildlife

Buy a fishing or hunting license in person or online. Online customers must be at least 18 years of age and provide a Visa or MasterCard to make a purchase.

Topics: Businesses, Travel and recreation

Make a Camping Reservation

by Department of Parks and Recreation

The California Department of Parks and Recreation manages more than 270 park units, which contain the finest and most diverse collection of natural, cultural, and recreational resources to be found within California. These treasures are as diverse as California itself: From the last stands of primeval redwood forests to vast expanses of fragile desert; from the lofty Sierra Nevada to the broad sandy beaches of our southern coast; and from the opulence of Hearst Castle to the vestiges of colonial Russia.

Topics: Travel and recreation

Mobile Driver License (DMV Wallet)

by Department of Motor Vehicles

Be among the first to carry your driver’s license on your phone by joining this voluntary pilot. The pilot is limited to 1.5 million participants, so sign up today.

Topics: DMV/Auto, Personal records, Travel and recreation