Get a high school diploma
Find GED program classes, which help adults who did not graduate from high school get a diploma.
Find educational opportunities for people of all ages. Apply for financial help for your degree, vocational training, and more.
Find GED program classes, which help adults who did not graduate from high school get a diploma.
Cal Grants provide aid to California undergraduates and vocational students.
Find a class to learn English near you with this Directory of Adult Education Programs.
Access scholarships and grants for students, graduates, and institutions in the healthcare industry.
by California Student Aid Commission
Apply for a Cal Grant, a financial aid program administrated by the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC) providing aid to California undergraduates, vocational training students, and those in teacher certification programs.
Launch service : Apply for a Cal Grantby California Victim Compensation Board
Were you a victim of crime? The California Victim Compensation Board (CalVCB) can help. We can help pay bills and expenses that result from crime. Crime survivors who have been injured or have been threatened with injury may be eligible.
Launch service : Apply for Compensation for Crime-Related Expensesby Department of Health Care Access and Information
HCAI improves healthcare access by providing scholarships, loan repayments, and grants to students, graduates, and institutions providing direct patient care in areas of unmet need. Learn about the loan repayment programs, scholarships, grants, and more.
Launch service : Apply for Loan Repayments, Scholarships, Grantsby California Student Aid Commission
The California Dream Acts allows California students who cannot get financial aid from the federal government and meet other specific requirements to apply for state financial aid so they can attend some California colleges, universities, and Career Education Programs.
Launch service : Apply for the California Dream Actby California Student Aid Commission
Attend a student financial aid workshop with the Cash for College program. The Cash for College program offers free, hands-on workshops across the state. From October 1 to March 2, families can get help to complete the California Dream Act Application or the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). You can also learn about scholarships and other forms of financial aid.
Launch service : Attend a Student Financial Aid Workshopby Office of the State Fire Marshal
California State Fire Training (SFT) is the OSFM division that establishes, develops, and delivers standardized training and education for the California fire service. The State Fire Training website serves as a valuable resource and a one-stop-shop for all things related to the State Fire Training.
Launch service : California State Fire Trainingby California Workforce Development Board
If you want your child to learn more about computers and technology, contact the “Hack the Hood” program. This six-week program teaches low-income youth how to improve search engines, build better websites, and how to get information listed in local internet maps and directories. It also helps youth learn leadership, entrepreneurship, and life skills.
Launch service : Enroll Your Kids in Technology Programsby Civil Rights Department
File Discrimination Complaint via CRD's online system. Please create a user account if this is your first time.
Launch service : File Discrimination Complaintby California Department of Education
Find a citizenship class to learn about becoming a U.S. citizen with this Directory of Adult Education Programs. Learn about the requirements for becoming a U.S. Citizen, including English skills and civics, at a citizenship class in your area.
Launch service : Find a Citizenship Classby Department of Motor Vehicles
With DMV's Occupational License Status Information System, you can find the latest list of traffic schools in your area.
Launch service : Find a Traffic Schoolby California Department of Education
Find a class to learn English near you with this Directory of Adult Education Programs. These classes are sometimes called “ESL” classes because they teach “English as a Second Language.”
Launch service : Find an ESL/English Classby California Community Colleges
Find resources for undocumented CCC students.
Launch service : Find CCC Undocumented Student Resourcesby Department of Health Care Access and Information
HCAI produces datasets and data products from a variety of sources, including reports submitted to HCAI by nearly 6,000 licensed healthcare facilities as well as facility construction and healthcare workforce data managed in the administration of HCAI programs.
Launch service : Find Healthcare Data and Reportsby California Department of Education
Find adult education programs near you with this Directory of Adult Education Programs. The list has adult education providers to help you learn English, learn about getting a job, and train you for a job. The classes can also help you get a high school diploma and learn how to become a U.S. citizen.
Launch service : Find Nearby Adult Education Programsby University of California
Find resources for undocumented UC students.
Launch service : Find UC Undocumented Student Resourcesby California Department of Education
Find your local school with this California School Directory. The list includes public, private, and adult schools, as well as information on school districts and county education offices.
Launch service : Find Your Local Schoolby Department of General Services
Administers the state voter-approved school facilities construction bond program and is staff to the State Allocation Board.
Launch service : Funding for School Constructionby California Department of Education
Find classes for adults who want to get a high school diploma with this Directory of Adult Education Programs. These classes, often called General Educational Development (GED) programs, can help adults who did not graduate from high school prepare for and take a test to get high school diploma.
Launch service : Get a High School Diplomaby California Workforce Development Board
If you are in the Long Beach area and need training to find a good job, contact this program. You can get job training, help finding education programs, and support services. The ASPIRE (Access, Systems & Programs for Immigrants) leads this program.
Launch service : Get Job Training in Long Beachby California Workforce Development Board
If you are in the Madera or Fresno County area and need training to find a good job, contact this program. You can get job training and placement, English classes, and high school classes. Classes are offered through the America’s Job Center of California (AJCC) system. You can also get support services.
Launch service : Get Job Training in Madera/Fresnoby California Workforce Development Board
If you are in the Orange County area and need training to find a good job, contact this program. You can get career counseling and support services through the Orange County English Language Learner (ELL) Workforce Navigator Program. ELL Navigators work in the Orange County America’s Job Center of California (AJCC) system where they offer many services to help people get a job.
Launch service : Get Job Training in Orange Countyby California Workforce Development Board
If you are in the Sacramento area and need training to find a good job, contact this program. You can get English classes, job training, and support services. Services are offered at four locations in the area.
Launch service : Get Job Training in Sacramentoby California Workforce Development Board
If you are in the San Diego area and need training to find a good job, contact this program. The San Diego English Language Learner (ELL) Workforce Navigator Project connects training providers, adult education partners, and immigrant-serving community organizations. The San Diego Workforce Partnership (SDWP) leads this program.
Launch service : Get Job Training in San Diegoby California Student Aid Commission
Get student financial aid information using this “Fund Your Future” magazine. The “Fund Your Future” magazine is the California Student Aid Commission’s resource guide for college and career training financial aid. View, download, or order the magazine in other languages through this website.
Launch service : Get Student Financial Aid Informationby Department of Health Care Access and Information
HCAI collects, analyzes, and publishes data about California’s healthcare workforce and health professional training, as well as identifies areas of the state in which there are shortages of health professionals and service capacity. Find information on areas of unmet need, healthcare workforce data, grants, and more.
Launch service : Get Workforce Capacity Education and Trainingby Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment
OEHHA publishes a report presenting indicators that track observed changes in the state’s climate and its impacts. Collectively, the indicators portray a statewide picture of climate change in California; reports on how certain Tribal Nations have experienced climate change are also presented.
Launch service : Indicators of Climate Change in Californiaby California Student Aid Commission
Learn more about college with the California Student Opportunity and Access Program (Cal-SOAP). Cal-SOAP serves first-generation and low-income students. It offers college advising, tutoring, parent outreach, and college awareness resources.
Launch service : Learn About Applying for Collegeby California Workforce Development Board
Many foreign-born California residents became professionals in their home countries and are highly-educated, but are unemployed or underemployed in the United States. Many people can only find work in low-wage jobs because it is difficult to get credit for international degrees and get the required licenses to practice their professions in California. The organization, Upwardly Global, partners with the state to help foreign-born professionals find jobs that use their skills and offer better wages.
Launch service : Learn About Jobs for Foreign-born Professionalsby California Department of Education
Find a class to learn how to read and write in English with this Directory of Adult Education.
Launch service : Learn to Read and Writeby Civil Rights Department
A course of videos and quizzes to help employees in the State of California prevent sexual harassment in the workplace
Launch service : Sexual Harassment Prevention Training