Check your tax refund status
You may be able to get a tax refund if you’ve paid too much tax. Use this service to check your refund status.
Learn about taxes in California and how to file for free, check your refund, and earn tax credits.
You may be able to get a tax refund if you’ve paid too much tax. Use this service to check your refund status.
Use CalFile to e-file your state tax return. Get real-time confirmation and the fastest refund possible. And best of all, it’s free.
Enter an address to find the sales and use tax rate for that location.
The CalEITC is a state tax credit for working Californians. If you qualify, you may see a reduced tax bill or a bigger refund.
by California Department of Tax and Fee Administration
A seller's permit is required if you are engaged in business in California, intend to sell or lease tangible personal property that would ordinarily be subject to sales tax if sold at retail (this includes wholesalers, manufacturers, and retailers), or will make sales for a temporary period, normally lasting no longer than 90 days at one or more locations (for example, firework booths, Christmas tree lots, garage sales).
Launch service : Apply for a Seller's Permitby California Achieving a Better Life Experience
Sign up for tax-free treatment on earnings and withdrawals to pay for disability-related expenses
Launch service : CalABLE Visa Prepaid Cardby Franchise Tax Board
Find out if qualify for CalEITC and the new Young Child Tax Credit.
Launch service : CalEITC is bigger and betterby Franchise Tax Board
Use CalFile to e-file your state tax return directly to the Franchise Tax Board. Get real-time confirmation and the fastest refund possible. And best of all, it’s free.
Launch service : CalFile - File return for freeby Department of Industrial Relations
Contractors and subcontractors on most public works projects are required to submit certified payroll records (CPRs) to the Labor Commissioner using DIR's Public Works Website Services. Use this service to report online to the DIR.
Launch service : Certified Payroll Reportingby Franchise Tax Board
You may be able to get a tax refund if you’ve paid too much tax. Use this service to check your refund status.
Launch service : Check your refund statusby Franchise Tax Board
MyFTB gives individuals, business representatives, and tax professionals access to tax account information and services.
Launch service : Create a MyFTB accountby Department of Social Services
The Federal and California Earned Income Tax Credits (EITCs) are special tax breaks for people who work part time or full time. If you have work income, you can file and claim your EITC refunds, even if you don’t owe any income tax.
Launch service : Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)by Employment Development Department
Find important links and resources on Payroll Taxes General Information, including forms and publications, FAQs, Payroll Tax Seminars, interest rates and tax credits as well as the dates for legal holidays. If you are starting a new business or are an existing or household employer, you can find important information and learn more about payroll taxes.
Launch service : EDD Payroll Taxesby Employment Development Department
This is an online service offered by the Employment Development Department (EDD) for employers to manage claims related to their business. It is a fast, convenient, and secure way for employers to manager payroll tax accounts and unemployment insurance claims online.
Launch service : Enroll in Employer Servicesby Franchise Tax Board
Filing online (e-file) is a secure, accurate, fast, and easy option to file your tax return.
Launch service : File state taxesby Governor's Office of Business and Economic Development
Whether you’re starting a brand-new business, expanding or relocating, avoid expensive mistakes by making sure your entity is registered and permitted as required by State laws.
Launch service : Find Business Resourcesby Governor's Office of Business and Economic Development
This service assists you in finding appropriate permit information for your business. It also provides contact information for the various agencies that administer & issue these permits.
Launch service : Get Permit Assistanceby California Department of Tax and Fee Administration
When using this service, please ensure the address information you input is the address you intended. The tax rate given here will reflect the current rate of tax for the address that you enter.
Launch service : Look Up Tax Ratesby Franchise Tax Board
Pay with your checking or savings account, credit card, or set up a payment plan. Other payment options available.
Launch service : Make a paymentby Franchise Tax Board
Once you determine what form you should file, use this service to find a tax form or publication from 2008 to present.
Launch service : View Forms and Publicationsby Franchise Tax Board
Get free tax help at a location near you
Launch service : Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA)